(Source: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/282/7/8/excited_face_by_jezkah008-d30ftel.jpg)
1. Taylor Swift and her pet cat Meredith <3
(Source: http://media.tumblr.com/5beaddee196a783051e7d34303ae1fef/tumblr_inline_mmeh9qM0Lx1qz4rgp.gif)
First is the cutest cat of all time, Meredith. Meredith gained attention on Taylor's Instagram account with more than 652K likes for an image of this incredibly-cute-furry-feline pet. A round of applause for Taylor Swift and not to forget the star, Meredith. Well, even with such sad break up songs from this talented singer which many say that it must be from her past relationships, Taylor definitely has a Blank Space for her pet Meredith.
2. Teddy Edwards in Zayn Malik's fashionable sock XP
(Source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/11/04/1415126933437_Image_galleryImage_Perrie_Edwards.JPG)
Say hello to this adowable (cuteness intended) puppy of Perrie Edwards and Zayn Malik. This innocent looking little pup has gained so much attention for its fashionable sweater (made out of Zayn Malik's sock) made by Perrie Edwards. I must say that it's fashion runway worthy, well for more than 183K likes definitely very worthy. This pup has got that One Thing that Zayn and Perrie long for, which is cuteness overload.
3. Katy Perry and Kitty Purry! Wait what?! XD
(Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/00/f2/0500f29d2b87eab9b5f9b93faa7ff388.jpg)
Welcome Katy Perry and her emerald-eyed cat, Kitty Purry! This majestic cat received more than 174K likes on Instagram for its fierce looking profile pictures! No wonder this cat has the eye of the tiger, which is of course aiming at the hearts of Katy Perry's fans.
4. Demi Lovato's goddaughter Monica
We all know that Demi Lovato is a genuine sweetheart by adopting a baby turtle and named it Monica at the Meridien Resort in Bora Bora. Demi and Monica are the perfect godmother and goddaughter pair, as this beautiful couple got a whopping 640K likes on Instagram. We all hope that Monica grows well and who knows, Demi might even Let It Go when Monica is fully grown to join the other turtles.
5. What does the Fawkes say? Hmmm
This little cutie is Ariana Grande's new pet pup, Fawkes Grande. A pup this small has gained great attention on Instagram when Ariana posted a cute profile of this much adorbs canine, receiving over 614K likes on Instagram. Even though this little pup looks really innocent, Ariana declared that this adorable puppy is rather feisty. Well Ariana certainly can't get enough of this pup for sure, hmmm can't Break Free from it I guess...
Haha, so that's it for my Random Thursday post! I hope you enjoyed reading this!
Faizah Shahmat
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